Saturday, September 22, 2007

5 Reasons I Love My Home Bars

Well, here we are at the end of the Summer. It was hot as the dickens and we had torrential rains about 75% of the time, so I'm not sorry. Jeez, if it hadn't been for some out of this world summer drink recipes, I would have packed it up. Anyway, during this transition from Summer to Fall, I thought I'd pay tribute to my home bars. I've discovered 5 main reasons why my bar is one of the best investments I've ever made. Here goes....
1) It's a gorgeous piece of furniture. That's right, bars can easily be your most beautiful piece of furniture! Gorgeous Mahogany, rich finishes, lots of brass etc. etc.
2) It doubles as a dining area. Perfect for lunches or snacks. A breakfast bar is great for breakfast.
3) It enhances the overall decor of my home. My home's decor is traditional, so is my home bar.
4.) It's a great gathering spot for family and friends.
5.) It offers great storage for my bar accessories, stemware, wine bottles etc.
So, NOW is the best time to check out a home bar for yourself. Go ahead, buy one for yourself for Christmas! At least check out home bars HERE

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